The Mystery of Rudolf’s Nose

I think I’ve figured out how Rudolf got that red nose and it wasn’t because the old reindeer was blushing.  Before I share my conclusions, I need to tell you about the battle raging in my backyard.

Over the years, we’ve put a great deal of money and effort into creating a habitat that combines attractive landscaping with protection for wildlife.  We’ve planted a variety of trees and shrubs, created some brush piles, and encouraged the growth of tall grasses near the riverbanks. 

Everyone seems to applaud our efforts at creating a small wildlife refuge—everyone, that is, except the wildlife.  Even though we love our furry neighbors, we are embroiled in a constant battle of wits with them as they attempt to thwart our efforts at providing a wildlife-friendly habitat.

Every fall, we plant several small evergreens.  Winter snows cover the tiny trees almost to the top.  Shortly thereafter, the first skirmish of the season occurs when rabbits discover the elevated height from snow banks make it very convenient to reach the tasty tips of newly planted trees. 

Other furry neighbors are not as bold and choose to make their attacks under cover of darkness.  Deer carry out secret nightly invasions to nibble on the tender shoots of trees and shrubs.  Bucks amuse themselves by rubbing antlers on tree bark and leave ugly scars on the trunks.

Beavers are the boldest of the midnight marauders and staged a full assault earlier this spring .  They gnawed through the trunk of an eight-foot pine and drug it through the grass down to the riverbank.

The winner of the War of the Habitat remains to be seen as the annual planting/destruction cycle continues.  As for Rudolf, I’ve concluded that he doesn’t have a red nose.  The evidence shows that he most likely has a tomato stuck on that proboscis, the result of a late-night visit to a neighbor’s property.

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1 Response to The Mystery of Rudolf’s Nose

  1. Cindy Johnson says:

    Thanks for sharing Bonnie. You definately have a gift with words. I really like the April one also. Thanks for the reminder of how we should view our lives.


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