Poetry Sampler

quill“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” Robert Frost

I dabble in poetry from time to time, and this month I hesitantly leave the safe haven of prose to share samples of my poems.  May the poetry lovers among you enjoy and the rest tolerate this divergence from the usual writing found here.




                                                          Wear the same

                                                          Eat the same

                                                          Do the same






                                                           Ice thaws

                                                           Drips away

                                                           Warmth grows



       On Being Involuntarily Retired

                                                     Life’s twists and turns

                                                     Lead to unexpected places

                                                     RIF – the dreaded pink slip

                                                     Sudden unplanned ending


                                                    Mourn for the past

                                                    Long for the old

                                                    The comfortable

                                                    The secure


                                                    Give it up!

                                                    Let it go!


                                                    Embrace the adventure!


                                                    A new start – a blank page

                                                    Creativity long stifled

                                                    Rekindled with the joy

                                                    Of new-found freedom


                                                    Bonnie L. Ewoldt, 2010

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12 Responses to Poetry Sampler

  1. Dawn says:

    I think I feel each and every emotion hidden between the lines – beautifully expressed.


  2. Betty Taylor says:

    Nice to see some poetry–a poem can say so much in a few words–and I believe it needs to be read at least three times to get the full impact of the words. I enjoyed each of the three times I read the lines. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Dolores says:

    I especially like the second one, Bonnie! Strange how we can actually feel some of the emotions! Keep dabbling!


  4. Carolyn says:

    Very nice. you should come to poets group


  5. In general I do not like “poetic prose” as much of what modern “poets” put to page claiming to have contributed to that art. You are quite the opposite. Your sense of rhythm, incisive honing to the bone emotion (particularly in “Tolerance”) and colloquial voice climb the mountain of Ars Poetica to cry out from the Sage Age to give the populace a good shake if they’ve an ear to hear. Thank you.


  6. Georgia Crew says:

    Did not know you did poetry also. Beautifully done!


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